10 Simple and Effective Tips for Conquering Spring Cleaning, Part 2

Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but there are certain areas of your house that require a little extra attention if you want to make sure the place feels fresh and tidy. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of tackling your home head-on, don’t worry – it’s okay to take it slow and steady. Just remember to take plenty of water and crying breaks as you go!

The bedroom and closets are usually filled with clothes and personal belongings, and this is a great place to start with your spring cleaning. Begin by laying a sheet or large towels on your bed, and then emptying your closet and dresser to sort through everything. You’ll want to make sure you have a large bag handy for anything you choose to give away, and another bag for items you might be able to sell.

One of the most important steps in this process is to pick up each item of clothing and think carefully about why you have it – do you love it, do you wear it frequently, and is it still in good condition? If it’s of high quality and you’d feel guilty not keeping it, then consider selling it. If you’re holding onto an item that doesn’t fit or is worn out, it’s time to let it go. This is also a great opportunity to freshen up your dresser drawers and closet, and you can even colour-coordinate your clothes to help you stay organized.

Once you’ve sorted through your clothes, it’s time to do some laundry – this is the perfect opportunity to wash any winter bedding, as well as your lighter spring and summer linens. Refresh your pillows with a spritz of freshener, and flip your mattress before putting on clean sheets.

When moving on to the bathroom, it’s important to start by completely emptying everything out of this space. Clean the ceiling and walls with spray cleaner, and then wash the porcelain around the toilet, sink, and tub. Scrub the inside of the tub and sink with baking soda and cleaner, and then clean all of your glass and metal fixtures with glass cleaner.

Take a close look at the items you removed from the bathroom to determine what you really need to keep in this space. Personal care items can be kept in the medicine cabinet, and other items can be tucked away under the sink or in other cupboards. Don’t forget to throw away any items that are expired or no longer useful.

Finally, when it comes to areas like the basement or garage, it’s important to take the time to sort through everything carefully. Discard everything that isn’t vital, and be sure to dispose of any hazardous items appropriately. Consider reorganizing these spaces to make better use of the area, and don’t forget to protect yourself by wearing gloves when cleaning dark areas where critters might be hiding.

Overall, spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but by taking your time and tackling each area of your home carefully, you can transform your living space into a fresh and tidy oasis that you can enjoy all season long.

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