10 Proven Ways to Win Kids Over and Become Their Favorite Person

10 Tips to Make Kids Love You: How to Win Their Hearts Easily

Children are the cutest human beings on earth. They bring a lot of color and laughter to our lives. However, it does not mean that they don’t throw tantrums. Sometimes, kids do not want to talk or play with strangers or even with people they are acquainted with. If you love kids and you want to make kids love you, here’s how to do it.

1. Relax and enjoy whatever the activity is

We, as adults, usually have a lot of things to do on our mind. Due to this, we get easily irritated when kids don’t immediately follow our instructions. Just relax! Yes, that is one great tip I can give you. When you loosen up, you automatically begin to enjoy the activities and conversation with the kids. They are very smart. They can sense it and will be in love with your company.

2. Respect children

We have somehow come to associate the word respect with older people only. Children are as human as we are and have similar need to get respect from others. When we give someone respect, we listen to what they are saying and value it. Exactly like adults, this is what kids want. To be heard and valued.

3. Act funny

Kids love fun and funny activities, whether it is playing peek-a-boo or hearing sounds that they find funny and can giggle at. Children love to be with those people who have fun with them. Learn a few things that you can use to win favors from kids, like making funny noises or faces, playing hide and seek or producing something that they like all of a sudden in front of them. You will feel the kids absolutely love you!

4. Don’t overdo your display of affection

Sometimes, we overkill. We go out of the way to please kids or show our affection. That puts off the kids. They are good judges of your actions and attitude. Do show affection but don’t overdo it. Occasionally, it is good to let kids be. They will love you for the space that you give to them.

5. Be patient

Just like adults, every kid is different. If we try to interact with them in the same manner or rush them into a conversation, we are bound to be disliked by them. If you want to make kids love you, be careful and patient with every kid. They will become frank with you at their own pace and when they do, trust me, you will enjoy it to the fullest.

6. Don’t try to discipline children all the time:

Who doesn’t like kids with good manners? Every one of us wants kids to be be well-behaved and have great manners. However, this does not mean at all that we try to discipline them all the time. Kids love to be mischievous, roam around, run and play. They will absolutely love you if you give them the margin of being kids.

7. Shower children with compliments

Exactly like adults, kids love to be praised. Whether you appreciate their looks, manners or clothes, they will adore you for it. Of course, you should try to be genuine. Otherwise, kids can always gauge your real feelings. They will love you even more if you praise something that they also like, for instance, a cartoon character on their shoes or t-shirt, their bag adorned with a cartoon or their bottle that is an all time favorite.

8. Take them seriously

The things that kids love might be small or insignificant for you but to them, they are the whole world. When kids try to tell you something or want you to show something, take it very seriously. We think that kids wouldn’t mind us taking them lightly but no, it is not the case. You can instantly win their love and attention by paying attention to their small belongings.

9. Act like a kid yourself

There’s nothing more that kids would worship. Children like the company of other children but that doesn’t mean an adult can’t act like one. Discover your inner child and see the spark of love in the eyes of other kids.

10. Give them presents

Last but not the least; it is a great way to gain a kid’s favor. Obviously, I do not mean to suggest that you always shower the kids with gifts but they get happy with little things like a tiny toy or a favorite sweet. Giving them gifts will make you very likable and they will love you for it.

In conclusion, kids are a bundle of joy. They make us laugh, and they fill our hearts with love. However, to make kids love you, you need to try out these tips. You will see how the bond between you and the child becomes stronger. Remember, kids are humans too, and they deserve respect, love, and patience. So try our simple tricks, and see the difference yourself!

Tags: Tips, tricks, children, love, parenting, behavior.

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