10 Proven Ways to Keep Millennials Engaged in a Virtual Workplace

How to Successfully Manage Remote Millennials

In today’s workforce, more and more companies are choosing to implement a remote workplace policy. Remote work means that employees can work from the comfort of their own homes, skipping the daily commute. However, it can be challenging for managers to motivate and manage a group that is often described as entitled and lazy.

This article shares five strategies for effectively managing remote millennials to help maximize their productivity and engagement.

1. Foster Collaboration

Millennials are known for their desire to work in a collaborative environment. However, collaboration can be tough when employees are working remotely. Managers can overcome this obstacle by using technology like video chats to create a sense of connection. By scheduling occasional in-person meetings or team-building activities, remote managers can help Millennial employees foster stronger professional relationships with their peers. This sense of belonging can help improve job satisfaction and lead to higher levels of productivity.

2. Reward and Recognize

Also known as the “participation trophy generation,” millennials thrive on recognition and rewards for their work. Even when employees are not in the office, it is still essential to acknowledge accomplishments and hard work. Managers can make sure to recognize any significant milestones, such as completing a difficult task or meeting a tight deadline. A simple email or positive feedback can go a long way in keeping remote employees motivated and engaged.

3. Establish Trust

One of the most significant pet peeves of millennials is being micromanaged. When employees are working remotely, it can be tough for managers to ensure that everyone is where they need to be. However, it is essential to establish trust with remote workers. Setting up a structure for long-term goals and arranging regular check-ins to go over progress can help build trust. Resist the urge to hover over employees and instead give them the freedom to work independently and with less oversight.

4. Provide Flexibility

Many millennials care more about job flexibility than pay. Remote employees who value the ability to work flexible hours should be given that option. This flexibility can be an excellent way to keep remote employees engaged and motivated. As long as it does not negatively affect workflow or customer satisfaction, managers can provide flexible working hours. By offering this kind of work-life balance, it can show employees that their personal life is also valued and important.

5. Allow for Growth

Millennials are notorious for job hopping, and remote work can make this even easier. It is vital to keep millennials personally and professionally invested in the company, so they don’t want to leave. Encourage conversations about employees’ future careers and their desired positions within the company. Research local events and suggest they attend to continue developing new skills. Encouraging employees to take time off work to support community events or causes can also help keep remote millennials engaged in the company and its broader mission.

In conclusion, managing remote millennials may present challenges, but it is worth it to create a happy, productive, and engaged workforce. Employers that put in the effort to support employees in a remote work environment will reap the rewards in the form of talent retention, better work, and increased productivity.

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