10 Proven Tips to Boost Your YouTube Channel’s Popularity and Engagement

10 Tips for Creating a Popular YouTube Channel: How to Increase Views and Followers

YouTube has emerged as the most popular video sharing platform worldwide, with a billion unique monthly viewers. From home videos to professional use, YouTube has something for every niche and preference. However, with the massive influx of videos uploaded to YouTube every day, creating a successful channel requires a certain degree of creativity and differentiation.

If you have been struggling to increase your views and followers or simply looking for ways to create a popular YouTube channel, here are ten tactics that can help you stand out from the rest.

1. Design Your Brand

Your channel should have a distinct quality to make it stand out from the rest. Decide what the overall theme of your videos should be and how you want your channel to be known. Make a name for yourself by creating amazing, edgy stop-motion videos rather than the common cute versions. The name of your channel should incorporate what kind of videos viewers can expect from you. Having a logo that attracts and keeps people’s attention is also a bonus.

2. Offer Something Professional

YouTube is not only a place for home videos, but also for professional use. Make people actually learn from your knowledge. If you have expertise in a certain field, like Chemistry, hold lectures online. Be sure to make it interesting and less intimidating by using less jargon and more specific, relatable examples.

3. Consider Reviews

Reviews perform much better when they are done in video format as opposed to text. It is easier to understand something when it is presented visually because it means you don’t have to use your imagination. Reviews are descriptive in nature and YouTube is one good venue for sharing your thoughts on products, movies, ideas, and establishments.

4. Do Covers or Live Performances

Acoustic covers are a trend on YouTube, but those who got discovered on YouTube had something unique in them that grabbed a record label’s attention. If you’re going to offer the same old acoustic covers, then people might not notice you. However, if you can think of something creative and unique, it is possible to make even acoustic covers seem fresh. Why not put on a masked face and let viewers focus on your music? You could be known as the mysterious, masked guitarist from YouTube that everyone’s excited to see.

5. Work on the Tags

Tags let your videos be categorized and appear on YouTube searches easily. Make sure that they are relevant to your video- don’t just use popular tags such as famous artists’ names who are trending on YouTube. If your video is about making cupcakes from scratch, prioritize the specific tag first followed by the generic ones. For example, “How to make cupcakes from scratch” should be the prioritized tag. “Making cupcakes from scratch,” “Cupcakes,” “Party,” “Dessert,” and other related tags should follow

6. Complete the Description

Do not forget to complete the information on the description box. This is where you can freely state anything about the video. It will make viewers know more about the video before and after playing it. Giving complete information is not only professional, but it also lets viewers know that you are serious about what you are doing.

7. Videos should be Neither Too Short nor Too Long

Most people on the web have short attention span and if you give them something too long, it might be boring, but something too short will make viewers look for more, and that’s not a good thing. The ideal length of a YouTube video should be around 10 minutes in length, which is enough time to provide value and keep viewers engaged.

8. Produce Quality Videos

Invest in a video camera to capture videos in HD. If your channel mainly uses graphics, use a video editing program recommended by professionals. It takes a lot of effort to make your videos look good, but if you are going to create moving pictures, you might as well do it in a visually-appealing way.

9. Promote Through Other Social Media

Actively engage in social media to promote your YouTube channel. Facebook and Twitter are primary social networks you can use to let people in your circle know about your videos. This will not only target your family and friends but also people in your friends’ circles. Let them promote you too. Use hashtags to let users who might be interested in the kind of videos you produce easily find you.

10. Embed it into Your Website

Embed your YouTube videos on your website or post a link directing to your channel somewhere on your blog. Loyal followers share everything their favorite blogger posts, so it’s best to let them have something to promote.

In conclusion, creating a popular YouTube channel requires a mix of creativity, differentiation, and know-how. You need to have a clear idea of what you want to offer and how you want to offer it. You also need to ensure that your content and production quality are top-notch. By following the ten tips discussed above, you can increase your views and followers and create a successful YouTube presence that engages, informs and entertains your audience.

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