10 Proven Strategies for Boosting Retail Success by Clearing Clutter

How Clutter in Retail Spaces Affects the Bottom Line

As a retail business owner, you may take pride in having a neat and organized public space, but what about the areas that are out of sight, such as the storeroom or office? Neglecting these spaces can have a negative impact on the overall success of your business.

Feng shui teaches that everything is connected, and clutter, dirt, and disorder can create negative energy that affects all areas of a business, including those associated with wealth, prosperity, fame, reputation, children or family, and helpful people. This negative energy can lead to financial challenges, difficulties with visibility and attracting business, problems with employees, and difficulty attracting customers.

In addition, clutter in out of sight areas can also have a profound effect on staff morale, behavior, and efficiency. A cluttered environment can lead to a cluttered and fuzzy brain, creating challenges in making good decisions with customers and irritation among staff members. It also creates a double standard where the public gets to experience a pristine environment while staff members have to tolerate clutter and visual chaos, sending a negative message about their importance to the business.

Clutter in the business office can be particularly detrimental, as it can lead to inefficiency, inability to make good decisions consistently, and a reactive rather than proactive approach. It is essential to keep the business office as clear and organized as possible, with old records archived in another part of the building or off-site to reduce distractions and prime real estate in the business brain.

To address clutter in your retail establishment, it is crucial to view the out-of-sight areas as equally significant as the public spaces. An initial cleanup and establishment of procedures for maintaining order and cleanliness are necessary, and job descriptions should include clear expectations about maintaining all areas of the business.

Clearing the clutter and committing to maintaining a clutter-free environment can improve employee behavior and interactions, increase your ability to think clearly, handle problems, and make decisions, and positively impact the bottom line. With clutter barriers removed, you are more likely to experience positive change in many areas of your retail business.


As a retail business owner, it is crucial to pay attention to all areas of your establishment, including those out of sight from the public view. Neglecting these areas can create negative energy that affects all areas of the business, leading to financial challenges, difficulty attracting customers, and problems with employees. Clearing clutter and committing to maintaining a clutter-free environment can improve staff morale, behavior, and efficiency, along with positively impacting the bottom line. So, take action today to remove the clutter barriers to success and experience positive change in your retail business.

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