10 Proven Strategies for Blogging Success: Boost Your Sales Now!

Selling Subscriptions: 10 Principles for Increasing Your Blog’s Reach

Selling subscriptions to your blog is all about understanding the needs of your target audience and meeting those needs. Yet, getting readers to subscribe is easier said than done, especially when you consider that time is the most valuable currency of all.

To succeed in selling subscriptions, you need to employ some of the same sales principles as a seasoned salesperson. In this article, we’ll examine 10 principles for selling subscriptions and increasing readership.

1. Sales are Achieved Through Meeting People’s Needs

The cornerstone of any sales endeavor is understanding the needs of your audience. Focus all of your efforts on meeting those needs and delivering the kind of content that is interesting, useful, inspiring, thoughtful, or entertaining.

2. People Buy Based on Feelings, Not Rational Thoughts

Emotions often drive purchasing decisions, including blog subscriptions. To give readers the feeling that they can’t live without your blog, your writing must be compelling, engaging, and inspiring.

3. Ask for the Sale

One of the most common reasons for losing a sale is not asking for it. Make sure readers know how to subscribe by displaying the “subscribe” button prominently on your website. When you ask readers to subscribe, make sure you’re heard by clearing out any visual noise that may be distracting.

4. Ask for Referrals

Referrals are vital to growing your readership. Encourage readers to share your content with friends and on social media. Personalize your request and consider offering incentives.

5. It’s a Numbers Game

Sales require discipline and perseverance, even when things look bleak. Don’t be discouraged and always strive to improve and meet your readers’ needs.

6. Networking is King

Building relationships is the core of sales. For bloggers, networking is essential to building a readership and learning from others. Utilize online networks, commenting on blogs and forums, and emailing and IM’ing fellow bloggers to grow your readership.

7. SW³: Some Will, Some Won’t, So What!

Not everyone will be interested in your content, and that’s okay. Stay positive and focused on meeting the needs of your target audience. Slow and steady wins the race.

8. People Like to Buy from Positive People

The tone of your blog will determine the kind of readers you attract. People are more likely to be attracted to a blog with positive content than one that is negative or neutral. Consider what kind of culture you want to create and make your blog a positive experience for readers.

9. People Like to Buy Things That are Shiny, New, and Sparkly

If you’re not evolving and adjusting to the times, you will fall behind. Stay on top of new technologies and changes in your field. Be open to feedback and willing to adjust your content as needed.

10. Trust is Key

Trust takes time to build, but consistency is key. Be consistent in your writing frequency and opinions. Make sure readers can count on you to follow through and keep your promises.

Bonus Principle: The Price is Right

Make sure the value you provide is commensurate with the length and frequency of your posts. For each post, imagine submitting it as a guest post on a top blog in your field. If you wouldn’t feel comfortable submitting it, go back to the drawing board.

In conclusion, selling subscriptions to your blog requires understanding the needs of your target audience, providing compelling content, and building trust over time. By employing these 10 principles and staying true to your vision, you can build a loyal readership and achieve the success you seek.

So, what do you think are the success principles for selling blog subscriptions? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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