The Power of Asking: Overcoming Fear and Pursuing Our Deepest Desires
When was the last time you dared to ask for something your heart truly desired? Not just simple requests, but those deep desires that we often repress due to fear of failure. It could be asking a special someone to marry us or quitting an unfulfilling career. Maybe it’s admitting that a relationship isn’t working or accepting a flawed decision and giving ourselves permission to start over. Asking for what we want can be terrifying, especially when we think about the potential vulnerability associated with it.
In reality, there is no logical explanation for why we hesitate to ask for what we want. We have innate desires embedded within us that often go unnoticed because we are too busy critiquing ourselves or blindly following societal norms. However, there is no harm in giving ourselves the permission to ask for what we truly desire. By doing so, we can turn our biggest fears into our most valuable successes.
So, what prevents us from taking the leap of faith? Is it fear of vulnerability, fear of failure, or maybe societal pressure? While these external factors may play a role, the real obstacle lies within us. By not validating our own dreams or aspirations, we are limiting ourselves from living a fulfilled life. We need to recognize that our desires are valid, even if society may label them as impractical or unattainable. If something makes our heart flutter or gives us that tingly feeling in our tummy, isn’t that reason enough to pursue it?
Stepping outside the norm can be challenging, both for the person making that leap and for those witnessing it. However, it’s important to remember that there is no quota for happiness, and hard work or struggle is not a prerequisite to a fulfilled life. Being happy is an innate trait that exists within us, and we don’t have to earn or quest it. By giving ourselves permission to ask for what we desire, we open ourselves up to the possibility of exploring new options and making decisions that align with our true selves.
Take a leaf out of a baby bird’s book – our logical minds could never convince her to jump off her nest, yet she takes that leap of faith because she believes in her abilities to fly. Similarly, we must believe in ourselves and our capabilities to pursue what makes us feel alive. As Jessie Belle Rittenhouse’s verse “My Wage” suggests, we must set our own wages and have faith in ourselves. Life will give us what we ask for, and we must accept the responsibility that comes with it.
The difference between those who succeed in their pursuits and those who do not is simple – courage and faith. The willingness to overcome self-imposed limitations and daring to ask for what we truly desire can create a world of opportunities for us. So, the next time we feel the urge to hold back our deepest desires, let’s remind ourselves that we are capable of achieving anything we put our minds to. All we have to do is ask.
In conclusion, fear of vulnerability and societal pressure should not hinder our ability to pursue what makes us feel alive. By validating our own desires and giving ourselves permission to ask for what we want, we open ourselves up to a world of new opportunities. It takes courage and faith to overcome our self-imposed limitations, but it is essential to living a fulfilled life. So let’s dare to ask and turn our biggest fears into our most valuable successes.
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