10 Mouth-Watering Bookmarklet Hacks that Will Speed Up Your Browsing Experience!

John Resig’s Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet: Tagging Pages Made Easy

In today’s world of information overload, bookmarking has become an indispensable tool for many of us who want to keep track of important web pages. One of the most popular bookmarking services is del.icio.us, which allows users to easily save and share web pages with friends and colleagues. However, manually adding tags to new bookmarks can be time-consuming, and thus prevent you from getting your work done quickly. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem, thanks to developer John Resig.

John Resig is the creator of jQuery, a popular JavaScript library that simplifies the process of creating dynamic web pages. He also built a way to quickly tag a page to del.icio.us through the location bar in Firefox, which is known as the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet.

In this article, we will discuss how this bookmarklet works, why it’s so beneficial, and how you can start using it today.

How the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet Works

The Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet provides a quick and easy way to tag a page to del.icio.us without having to open a new window or navigate to the del.icio.us website. Here are the three key functionalities this bookmarklet provides:

1. Quickly Tagging a Page
The first and most significant functionality is the ability to type ‘d tag1 tag2…’ on the location bar to tag a new URL. To use the bookmarklet, you only need to type “d” in the location bar, followed by your tags, separated by spaces. After you enter your tags, the bookmarklet automatically tags the page and saves the bookmark to your del.icio.us account.

2. Saving Extended Descriptions
Another useful feature of the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet is the ability to save an extended description by selecting a block of text on the page. This feature allows you to provide additional context or notes about the page you are bookmarking, which can come in handy when trying to remember why you bookmarked the page later on.

3. Automatic Window Closure
Finally, the bookmarklet automatically closes the window after the link is posted. This feature helps to prevent cluttering your tabs and reduces the risk of accidentally closing the page you want to bookmark.

Why the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet is so Beneficial

There are several key reasons why the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet is so beneficial for users who frequently bookmark pages.

Firstly, it eliminates the need for a new window or tab to be opened, which significantly reduces the time needed to bookmark a page. This feature could prove to be incredibly useful for people who need to bookmark many pages every day.

Secondly, the bookmarklet allows users to easily and quickly add tags to their bookmarks. This makes it easier for users to organize and find their bookmarks later on when they need them.

Lastly, the extended description feature of the bookmarklet enables users to add more context to their bookmarks. This additional information is important when wanting to remember why you bookmarked specific pages and is especially useful when it comes to research.

How to Start Using the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet Today

Using the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet is a straightforward process. Here are the steps for installing and using the bookmarklet:

1. Go to the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet page at http://ejohn.org/blog/super-fast-delicious-bookmarklet/.
2. Drag the bookmarklet link onto your browser’s bookmark bar.
3. Visit a page you want to bookmark.
4. Click the bookmarklet link on the bookmark bar.
5. Add tags, an extended description (if needed), and then hit the ‘Enter’ key to save the URL to your del.icio.us account.


John Resig’s Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet provides an easy and quick way to tag pages to del.icio.us. Its simple functionality eliminates the need to open a new window or tab to add tags, saves time, and enhances the user experience of those who need to bookmark many web pages every day. Its extended description feature allows users to add more context to their bookmarks, making them more helpful in the long run. If you are a frequent user of del.icio.us and bookmark pages regularly, the Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet is the perfect tool to help you get your work done quickly and efficiently.

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