10 game-changing productivity tools for more effective time management

The Power of ActiveWords: How This Tool Can Revolutionize Your Productivity

Every good “productivitist” has a toolkit – a collection of tools and tricks that help them to get things done as quickly and effortlessly as possible. One of the most powerful tools in my toolkit is a program called ActiveWords. This handy tool allows you to substitute shortcuts or short keys for pieces of text, launch programs, open websites or folders, and perform a host of other tasks with a single keystroke.

At first, I was hesitant to try ActiveWords due to the perceived time investment required to set it up. However, after giving it a chance and reading the Quick Start guide, I quickly realized the immense value it could provide. Here are just a few of the ways that ActiveWords has transformed my computing experience:

1. Time-saving shortcuts: I use ActiveWords to automate a number of tasks, such as opening Outlook and composing a new email to my husband when I type “mailhubby”, or typing “chaos2” to instantly insert the title of my book, Chaos to Control, in any program.

2. Improved Email Efficiency: With ActiveWords, I have created shortcuts for frequently typed blocks of text such as my contact information, bio, and other commonly used phrases. This allows me to compose emails more efficiently and quickly.

3. Enhanced Customization: One of the most impressive things about ActiveWords is its ability to be customized according to the user’s needs. I have found that using the program has significantly reduced the amount of time I spend performing repetitive tasks, which has led to an overall increase in productivity.

ActiveWords also has Addins for Outlook, Outlook and GTD, Lotus Notes and GTD, Salesforce, and Windows commands. You can even create your own scripts to automate specific tasks, such as copying and pasting the latest feed from your favorite website and emailing it to a friend.

As a user of Evernote, I was pleasantly surprised to find that ActiveWords also integrates seamlessly with this productivity powerhouse. From any location on my PC, I can open a new note, clip a selection as a new note, or paste a selection into a new note. And from inside Evernote, I can easily share notes on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Overall, I have found ActiveWords to be an indispensable tool in my productivity toolkit. Spending a short amount of time setting it up has resulted in significantly less time spent repeating simple tasks, which has in turn freed up more time for higher-level thinking and creativity.

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your productivity and streamline your workflow, give ActiveWords a try. It just might be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

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