10 Foolproof Steps to Live a Clutter-Free Life and Reduce Your Stress for Good

Excessive clutter is a common problem that many people suffer from, and it can have a significant impact on every facet of your life. Clutter can cause stress, distract you, weigh you down, and invite chaos into your life. Fortunately, tackling your clutter doesn’t need to be an insurmountable task — by breaking it down into small steps and devoting some time to decluttering, you can enjoy a more organized, productive and stress-free existence.

The following are some tips on how to declutter your life and reclaim control over your surroundings:

1. Reduce your commitments

One of the main causes of clutter is over-commitment. We often take on more than we can handle, which leads to feeling overwhelmed. Take a look at the many different areas of your life and write down all the commitments you have in each one. This inventory can be an eye-opener and can help you identify commitments that no longer serve you or that you find stressful or unfulfilling. Try to let go of the unnecessary commitments and focus on the ones that truly bring you value.

2. Reconsider your routines

Routines can be helpful in establishing order in your life. Without them, you can end up tackling tasks haphazardly, leading to chaos and a lack of productivity. Try to establish daily and weekly routines that take into account all your obligations, chores, and tasks. You might find that having a routine brings a new sense of calm and order to your life.

3. Declutter your friendships

As you grow older, you may come to realize that some friendships are not as fulfilling as they once were. Eliminating toxic relationships from your life can have a significant impact on your mental state and overall well-being. Focus on spending time with people who make you feel happy, positive, and help you grow.

4. Start with your desk

A cluttered workspace can be a major source of stress and be a significant impediment to productivity. Clear off the top of your desk, take everything out of the drawers, and assemble your items in piles on the floor. Clean and wipe down your desk, and then sort through all the things that were both in and on it. Toss out what you don’t need, and set up a basic alphabetical filing system with a separate folder for each project or client. Keep your office supplies and other items in designated drawers and have an inbox for all incoming papers.

5. Declutter your computer

Get rid of files and programs on your computer that you don’t need. Clear your desktop of most or all of the icons, and regularly purge old, unused files. Utilize a program such as Google Desktop to search for your files when you need them.

6. Tackle information clutter

In the digital age, we are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information. Set limits on what you read and engage with. Reduce your consumption of news and TV and cut back on your social media use. Control how and when you receive information by limiting what you read.

7. Simplify your rooms

Rooms that are too cluttered can be overwhelming. Start by clearing things off the floors and flat surfaces such as countertops, shelves, and dressers. Create piles of items and sort them into toss, donate, or keep. Organize everything that you have decided to keep, and keep them out of sight in drawers, cabinets, and closets.

8. Tackle the closets

Closets can easily become a repository for things you want out of sight. Reorganize your closets and toss or donate anything that you don’t need. Keep only the things that you love and use frequently.

9. Clean out your drawers

Drawers are another common place where clutter accumulates. Clear out your drawers and categorize items into keep, toss, or donate piles. Utilize tools such as drawer dividers to keep things organized.

10. Set up a system to keep clutter in check

Finally, to ensure that your decluttering efforts last, set up a system to keep clutter at bay. Examine the way you do things and identify ways that clutter can creep back in. For example, put a basket by your front door for incoming mail, rather than leaving it on a table. With vigilance and the right tools, you can keep clutter in check and enjoy a life free of unnecessary stress.

In conclusion, decluttering your life may seem like a daunting task, but it certainly is achievable. With a little bit of time and effort, you’ll be able to rid yourself of the stress caused by unnecessary clutter. The key is to start small and focus on one area at a time, building momentum as you go. By following the tips above, you’ll be more equipped to tackle the clutter in your life and enjoy clearer, more peaceful surroundings.

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