10 Essential Tips for Reducing the Risk of Breast Cancer in Women

10 ways to Prevent Breast Cancer: Professional Advice

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women worldwide. Though the exact cause of this disease is not known, following certain lifestyle changes can help prevent it. In this article, we shall discuss ten professional pieces of advice that can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

1. Perform Monthly Breast Self-Exams

Early detection can help save lives. It is recommended that women of all ages should perform a breast self-exam once a month. You can do it either in the shower, lying down, or in front of the mirror. “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is crucial.” says John Hopkins Medical Center.

2. Diet and Lifestyle

Following a healthy diet and lifestyle can also prevent breast cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, and low intake of saturated fats and alcohol are beneficial for women’s health. The NHS UK offers a “Healthy Weight Calculator” to help you determine your caloric intake.

3. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has several benefits for both the baby and mother. For mothers, apart from providing the necessary nutrition for their child, it also helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. Breastfeeding reduces a woman’s ovulation and balances estrogen levels. Although the direct link between breastfeeding and breast cancer prevention is unclear, studies have shown that women who breastfeed are less likely to develop breast cancer.

4. Reduce Your Risk with Treatment

If your risk of developing breast cancer is higher, several treatments can help reduce the risk. Your family’s health history, age, and genetic tests can determine your risk level. Treatments such as mastectomy (removal of the breasts) or medication can reduce the chances of developing breast cancer.

5. Mastectomy

Women at high risk of developing breast cancer may consider a mastectomy, which involves surgical removal of one or both breasts. It can reduce the risk of breast cancer up to 90%, as it removes as much breast tissue as possible. Some women may opt for breast reconstruction during the same operation or at a later time.

6. Cut Down Alcohol Intake

According to the National Institutes of Health, consumption of alcoholic beverages is a known human carcinogen. Alcohol intake increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Thus, it is essential to cut down or abstain from alcohol altogether. You can opt for “mocktails” instead of alcoholic beverages.

7. Say Goodbye to Hormones

While hormone therapy is used to cope with the symptoms of menopause, it may increase the risk of breast cancer. A recent study shows that taking hormones may increase the chances of developing breast cancer. If you don’t experience severe symptoms of menopause, it’s best to avoid the therapy altogether.

8. Medication

Tamoxifen and raloxifene are estrogen-blocking medications designed for women with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. These drugs are recommended for women who have been through menopause. However, women who have not gone through menopause should take tamoxifen only.

9. Control Your BMI

Body mass index (BMI) is the measure of body fat based on height and weight. Women who weigh over 175 pounds are 25% more likely to develop breast cancer than those whose weight is around 132 pounds. Dr. Oz advises women to maintain a BMI of under 25. Obese women are more likely to die from breast cancer, as it is often detected in later stages.

10. Refrain from Smoking

Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke increase the risk of breast cancer in pre-menopausal women. Both continuous and early initiation of smoking increases the chances of developing breast cancer by 30% and 20%, respectively. Though the relationship between smoking and breast cancer is unclear, it’s best to refrain from it altogether.


Breast cancer is a growing concern among women worldwide. Though we may not know its exact cause, following preventive measures can help reduce the risk. Monthly breast self-exams, a healthy diet and lifestyle, breastfeeding, and reduced alcohol intake are simple yet effective strategies for breast cancer prevention. Women at high risk of developing breast cancer can choose to undergo treatment, such as mastectomy and medication, to reduce their risk levels. It is essential to maintain a healthy body mass index and refrain from smoking, as it may increase the risk of this disease. By following these preventive measures, you can promote a healthier lifestyle and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

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