10 Common Problems Employers Face When Recruiting College Graduates & Interns

Challenges Employers Face When Hiring the Best College Graduates

Hiring the right talent is always a challenge for organizations, and when it comes to fresh college graduates, the challenge is even more significant. However, many companies actively recruit new graduates as they bring new ideas, energy, and productivity to the organization. They also know that hiring the best graduates straight out of college will benefit the company’s bottom line in the long run. Companies often work with colleges to identify and hire the best and brightest students before they leave college. This article looks at the challenges employers face when hiring the best college graduates.

Heavy Competition

The competition for the best talent is high, and many companies will target the same colleges or universities to recruit new graduates. With so many businesses vying for the same candidates, it can become challenging for a single company to recruit the brightest graduates. To increase the chances of success, companies offer higher salaries and additional benefits to stand out from their competitors. Moreover, even if a particular company does not recruit a new graduate the first time around, it does not mean they will not try to hire them a year later, making it even harder for other organizations to retain the best talent.

Keeping the Talent

Many new graduates realize that their growth can be limited if they sign lengthy contracts with a company. They may be apprehensive about the organization, and the contract might limit their mobility within the organization itself. Hence, retaining new hires can be challenging, as they tend to work to gain experience and leave shortly after to pursue higher positions. To keep new graduates with the company, employers promise development over the years, hire students under a company name for tax benefits, offer higher than usual salaries, pay for master’s and MBA programs, or even pay for housing flights and travel costs.

Cracking Under Pressure

Graduates who are hired right after graduation may feel a considerable amount of pressure to perform well. Companies hire them for their exceptional skills, and they are expected to boost profits and bring new ideas. However, the pressure may cause them to crack, and they may not perform to the expected level. Often, companies cannot let go of an underperforming employee, as they are contractually bound not to terminate the agreement. Hence, to avoid such situations, more companies are working with universities to offer co-op programs that screen potential candidates, ensuring they can work well in fast-paced environments.


While hiring fresh graduates straight out of college has its benefits, some companies may face loyalty issues. Many companies make the mistake of overlooking the personality and character traits of the person they are hiring. It is essential to hire someone who is loyal, professional, and understands the confidentiality of the company’s internal workings. While technical skills are always vital, character is equally important to judge an employee’s overall potential. However, in the race to quickly hire the best, many companies overlook this component.

Final Thoughts

Hiring the best graduates can benefit any company, but firms need to be careful to evaluate the potential employees’ technical skills and character traits before hiring them. Attracting the right talent can be a daunting task, and competition is high. Companies need to do their research and prepare themselves accordingly to get the best fit for their organization. Being aware of these challenges will help organizations recruit, train, and retain the best talent and build a strong workforce for the future.

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